Candidates for Memphis Mayor will engage in a forum format to answer questions about the environment, sustainability, and infrastructure concerns and ideas. Questions range from clean water, energy, transit, and environmental justice. Voters will hear Candidates express their views.
Forum moderator: Darrell Greene, Fox13 Memphis
Confirmed candidates: Michelle McKissack, Van Turner, & Paul Young
Online viewing:
Parking: Enter from the parking lot in "the rear," which is accessible from Carpenter St, which intersects Broad and is East of the parking lot. There will be security in the parking lot and inside as well.
Co-sponsors - Our great list of co-sponsors collectively represents the diverse range of Memphis voters and includes- Black Millennials for Flint, MCAP-Memphis Community Against Pollution (formerly Memphis Community Against the Pipeline), MICAH-Memphis Interfaith Coalition for Action and Hope, Protect Our Aquifer, Sowing Justice, Green, Healthy Homes Initiative, Climate Reality Project: Memphis and Mid-South Chapter, 21st Century Memphis or Bust, Wolf River Conservancy, First Baptist Church on Broad, and the Sierra Club: Chickasaw Group.